The shadow of Saturday hangs over the last
weekday of our San Francisco Beer Week adventure. There are some big beer
events, like the Barley Wine Festival, so Friday was our chance to do
some sightseeing, dabble in some fringe events, check our San Fran’s other beer
outlets and prepare for tomorrow.
After a bit of classic tourist-ing down by
Fisherman’s Wharf, I insisted that we take a detour via Whole Foods. The ‘virtuous’
grocery vendor is much, much bigger in the US than in England (they only have a
handful of stores in England), and their stores here stock an incredible array
of craft beer.
Walking into a Whole Foods in California is
like entering a dream for a London-based beer drinker. Six-packs from the likes
of Stone and Lagunitas are available for under $8, a bomber of Port Brewing’s
sublime Old Viscosity is $6.99 (I think the Euston Tap relieved us of the
equivalent of $20 last time we had one there), and one-of-a-kind
limited-edition brews sit alongside core releases at regular prices.
I picked up the seasonal special Lagunitas
Cappuccino Stout for $4.99, and the staff were just putting out the boxed,
limited release Firestone Walker Sucaba (which we enjoyed on tap earlier in the
week). The latter will come back to London with me to be aged, while the former
was cracked and enjoyed back at the hotel – a light brown porter-style pour,
which was surprising, but with a big, big coffee flavour and aroma, and a
well-hidden alcohol warmth worthy of the name ‘stout’.
We stopped in at the City Beer Store after
that to see what was on – Stillwater’s Folklore was on in two versions,
original and Red Wine Barrel-Aged, so we tried them both. They were both deep
and dark brews, the original a little smoky, roasty and darkly bitter – quite
good, but unremarkable compared to some of the things we’ve drunk this week.
The BA version was immediately more interesting, with a dark cacao and vine
fruit aroma. I was expecting something akin to Mikkeller’s Black Hole (Red Wine
Barrel Edition), where the red wine cuts through the finish, but the Folklore
was immediately vinous, with an acidic cherry twang like a liquid Black Forest
Gateau. It was a little too much for me, but it was very interesting. We also
tried High Water’s No Boundary IPA - big hop aroma, but then the Belgian yeast
scythes through the malt to make it a little too dry for be able to carry the
big bittering hops.
(left - Stillwater Artisanal Ales' Folklore; right - Stillwater Artisanal Ales' Folklore (Red Wine Barrel)

We tried most of the SPBC beers between us,
and as a result my recollections of each are hazier than they probably should
be. I’d been incredibly disciplined about keeping notes up until now, but I’ve
let myself down a bit here! I started with the Extra IPA, which was paler and
thinner than I was expecting, and lacking the big hop whack that I wanted from
something billed as an ‘Extra IPA’. I tried some of Mel’s Black Lager, which
was much better – the darker malt character worked perfectly with the subtle
hops and a touch of underlying sweetness. G went with the Chardonnay Barrel
Wit, which was my personal favourite – off-white in colour, it had the taste of
a milk pudding rich with bay and nutmeg. A little bite of acidity but the soft
spices dominated the flavour right through until the wine kicked in for a dry
(left to right - SF Strong Ale, Southern Pacific Chardonnay-Barrel Wit, and not sure what the right hand glass is!)
Finally, the SF Strong Ale, which lived up
to its name (and is partially responsible for me writing this the following
morning) – a big toffee apple of a beer, with a pine forest aroma, a rich and
enduring caramel malt body, a touch of fruit esters, enough hops to balance the
malt. The alcohol is dangerously well-hidden in there – well, that’s my excuse,
anyway. The sparseness of notes is probably a good indicator that we had a
great time at Southern Pacific, and if we were staying for longer, I’d definitely
head back there for more.
We’re off to the Toronado Barley Wine
Festival today, albeit with slightly sorer heads than we should have. This
calls for an epic brunch…
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